My Grandpa Fred

With Me, Daddy and Granny Granny (Grandpa's Mom) 2003

My daddy's dad died a few years ago when I was really young. I don't remember him very much. I know Daddy really misses him so I thought I would make a page dedicated to my grandpa. The only pictures I have of him with me is when I was a baby. I asked my family to help me by telling me their favorite memories and sharing their pictures.

With Aunt Deb

My Aunt Debra keeps track of our family history. She knows lots of neat things about our family going back lots of years. Her family tree web page is so awesome!

She told me this story:

 "One of my favorite memories is this: I was about 5 years old and I told Dad I want to go visit Granny (his mom) and he told me there wasn't enough gas in the car. So I went outside grabbed the garden hose and filled up the gas tank with water!!!! I then went inside and said "Dad, we can go to Granny's now cause I filled up the tank" My Dad was never one to yell or get angry, he didn't get mad that I know of. I'm sure he had to drain the whole gas tank, let it dry before getting real gas. AND I'm sure that he never told me we didn't have gas again."

Here are a couple of the neat pictures she has on her website:
Graduation 1954   

My grandpa is in the middle

My Daddy told me this story about him and his older brother, Moke.

With my Dad and cousin Cheree 1988
One day when I was about 8, Moke dared me to go to the bathroom located in the back of the house which, to my 8 year-old's mind, was about a half a mile away in the deepest, darkest part of the house. So off I went past the living room, past the kitchen and into the wash room where the bathroom was. Just before I turned on the light I turned to see Moke, sneaking up on me. I jumped up as Moke burst into laughter. Then he turned around to see Dad sneaking up on him. Moke can jump high!

With my Daddy (Morgan) 1973

Mom and Dad's Wedding with my cousin Michelle 1994

Uncle Mike and Aunt Monica's Wedding 1997

I think Aunt Deb is right. He didn't like having his picture taken.

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